On January 22,2024, IIR organised and participated to the International Network of Women in Cooling (INWIC) networking event at the AHR Expo which took place in conjunction with the 2024 ASHRAE winter conference in Chicago (USA). The event was well attended with over...
From 14 to 15 November 2023 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, UNEP OzonAction and Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) Caribbean Regional Team organised a Thematic Network Meeting of the National Ozone Officers (NOOs) from the English-speaking Caribbean and...
On December 4th, 2024, UNEP OzonAction in collaboration with the IIR organised a groundbreaking event during the COP-28 in Dubai from the Montreal Protocol Pavilion entitled “You can’t be what you can’t see – What can INWIC do for Women in...
From 6th to 8th November 2023, the 20th Women in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (WiHVACR) Annual Conference was held in Jacksonville, United States under the theme “Go BOLD: Believe, Overcome, Lead, Determine”. Several members of...
At ESEF 2023 in Praia (Cape Verde), the IIR’s CaRe (Career in Refrigeration) representive Ina Colombo participated to the round table dedicated to Women and Youth in Clean Energy in West Africa on October 13, 2023. INWIC was promoted in this session.
At ICR 2023, the IIR’s CaRe (Career in Refrigeration) working group organised an INWIC (International Network of Women in Cooling) round table on Monday 21st August 2023. This discussion panel kicked off the Congress right after the opening ceremony. The round table...
The competition consisted of a conversation about tools of RAC, between two participants from different countries, recorded in video format. You can see the announcement and more information about this year’s awards here, and this year’s winning video here...
On 26 May, the AREA General Assembly in Estonia nominated the winner of the first edition of our “AREA-WRD women in cooling, video competition”. The evaluation committee was composed of: our Board of Directors our members of our Task Force Skills and Working...
The competition consists of a conversation about tools of RAC, between two participants from different countries, recorded in the form of video. Registrants are invited to submit a video to the U-3ARC Facebook page between 15 April – 31 May 2023....
AREA and World Refrigeration Day (WRD) have partnered to launch a competition on best practices for all EU women in cooling. The challenge is to provide a video showing best practices (e.g. installation, repair, charging , leak checking, recovery, etc.) using the...