On December 4th, 2024, UNEP OzonAction in collaboration with the IIR organised a groundbreaking event during the COP-28 in Dubai from the Montreal Protocol Pavilion entitled “You can’t be what you can’t see – What can INWIC do for Women in Cooling“. Several Montreal Protocol partners and stakeholders (Guidehouse , UNIDO, GIZ, LSBU and IoR) gathered to discuss the challenges and opportunities for women in the Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, and Heat-pumps (RACHP) industry. The session explored critical aspects of gender inclusion in the RACHP sector, where women are significantly underrepresented and often unrecognised. The event aimed to spotlight ongoing efforts and strategies within the Montreal Protocol to advance the engagement and representation of women in the sector.

Read more: Empowering Women in Cooling: Insights from Global Initiatives | Ozonaction (unep.org)

Watch YouTube livestreaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tQy1rsoJp8&list=PLcWBeBKwq3_Qy9oEy2XzC58wfQobV1KkV&index=3